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  1. Sakasaka

    Attendez-vous à l'inattendu alors que le trio de clowns emmène le public dans de nombreuses aventures, dont un hommage à la danse Thriller, un voyage sur le Titanic et une opération à cœur ouvert ! Sakasaka, qui signifie assoiffé en malgache, est une comédie physique sans mots avec de la musique live et des effets sonores.

    3 smiling faces of performers for the show Sakasaka
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  2. La Case Départ de Missy D: 1, 2, 3 on y va, on y va!

    Missy D est une artiste hip-hop, rap et soul qui fait de sa musique une forme de thérapie pour exprimer tous ses sentiments, partager un message et se connecter avec son public. C'est une fusion des sons de son enfance allant des mélodies françaises, aux légendes du r&b, du rap, de la soul, du jazz, du rock et du hip hop.

    Missy D smiling with both hands in the air, while wearing a light purple jacket
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  3. Petit mais formidable — Ginalina et des amis

    Faites un beau voyage musical multilingue sur le thème de la valeur de chaque enfant et de leurs l’importances dans la nature et dans le monde. Chantez, dansez et faites partie des merveilles musicales de l'accordéon, de la guitare, du ukulélé, des percussions, de l'erhu et de la cithare. Joignez-vous aux côtés de Ginalina avec des amis et des invités de Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble.

    Image of Ginalina wearing a red hat smiling and looking up while holding a guitar in front of a river in the forest
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  4. Sakasaka

    Expect the unexpected as this clown trio takes you on many adventures including a Thriller dance homage, a trip on the Titanic and open-heart surgery! Sakasaka, which means thirsty in Malagasy, is a word-less, physical comedy with live music and sound effects.

    3 smiling faces of performers for the show Sakasaka
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  5. The Starting Point of Missy D: 1, 2, 3 let’s go, let’s go!

    Missy D is a hip hop, rap & soul artist who makes music as a form of therapy. In a fusion of sounds from her childhood, Missy draws inspiration from French melodies to r&b, soul, jazz, hip hop, rock and rap legends. Missy D will have you feeling all the feels and singing YES MAMA as she embraces diversity in instrumentals, music and most of all, people.

    Missy D smiling with both hands in the air, while wearing a light purple jacket
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  6. Will and Seeka: Friends with Everyone

    Dance along to catchy songs about colours, the alphabet, days of the week, weather, food, animals, daily routines and family and friends. Kids will leave the show with joyous songs in their hearts and a skip in their step.

    Will and Seeks standing beside each other holding a guitar.
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  7. Accessibility

    Home Accessibility  Page 6 Accessibility Go to show description We strive towards creating an environment where any person or group feels welcomed, respected, represented, supported, and valued to meaningfully participate. We are dedicated to this ongoing work as we continue to adapt and…

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  8. iDEAS

    Home ABOUT  iDEAS  Page 6 IDEAS Go to show description Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility for Social Justice (IDEAS) inYoung People’s Performing Arts Young people learn from what they know and experience. Performing arts are not only for our enjoyment, but…

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